Distek, Inc. Releases BIOne Single-Use Bioreactor System
North Brunswick, NJ—May 19, 2016— The company that has brought you 40 years of excellence in laboratory pharmaceutical instruments, Distek, Inc., is proud to introduce the BIOne (pronounced “BIO One”) Single-Use Bioreactor System.

“Our expansion into the biotech arena marks another major milestone in Distek’s longstanding company history. As the bioreactor market continues shifting to single-use technologies, our BIOne product line will offer an innovative approach to greatly assist our customers in the transition from autoclavable reactors,” says Jeff Brinker, President of Distek.
The “patent-pending” BIOne SUB liner will mold to and mimic your existing glass system allowing you to continue using your existing cabinet, probes, motor, heating jacket, and recipes. Since the liner is nearly identical to the existing glass vessel geometry, there is no need to change or modify your process.
The Distek BIOne system significantly reduces turnaround time by allowing users to seamlessly transition to a disposable platform while utilizing their existing equipment, without compromising the scalability of their current process.
“This is a very exciting product launch for us on many levels. Not only are we expanding our business into a new market space, but we are immediately establishing Distek as an innovator just as we have been doing for over 40 years in small molecule dissolution testing,” says Jeff Seely, Vice President of Sales & Business Development, Distek, Inc. To learn more about the BIOne Single-Use Bioreactor System, contact Distek’s Corporate Office at +1 732 422 7585, by email at bione@distekinc.com, or visit www.distekinc.com.
Distek, Inc., headquartered in North Brunswick, NJ, is a leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical laboratory test instruments, specializing in dissolution products and services. Distek also provides solutions for UV fiber optics, media preparation, disintegration, content uniformity, validation services, and now single-use bioreactor systems.
Distek, Inc.
121 North Center Drive
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
T: 732 422 7585
E: info@distekinc.com