Alliance Calibrations Group and Logan Instruments Form Partnership
North Brunswick, NJ—Alliance Calibrations Group (ACG), a multi-OEM equipment service company for analytical laboratories, and Logan Instruments, one of the world’s leading experts in dissolution, are announcing a partnership for the maintenance, calibration, validation, repair, and distribution of Logan’s product lines in the northeastern United States.
Logan's innovative products range from basic manual systems to fully automated instrumentation for USP Apparatus 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dissolution, automated transdermal diffusion-cell systems, and physical testers. Logan’s business is built on assuring their customers quality, innovation, and service.
Logan Instruments and ACG make a great match for working together. ACG introduces Logan into companies that trust them for analytical instrumentation services including dissolution, HPLC, and GC. Logan has built a trusted dissolution manufacturing company, and ACG is confident in referring them to their clients. Logan is focused on great manufacturing, quality control, and new designs and projects, while ACG is focused on professionally and technically trained field service engineers that provide service not only for Logan instruments but for other types of equipment as well.
ACG's team, which has 100+ years in instrumentation service and laboratory experience, is trained by Logan Instruments for services performed in the field. Moreover, for complex repairs, they have immediate phone access to designers and floor manufacturer engineers. Third-party pricing keeps cost down, and coupled with OEM training, you have a win-win solution.
ACG Founder David Good says, “As far as we have seen, laboratories require/desire a few critical things: quality instruments, thorough training, great communication during the sale process, and installation/calibration/support for the life of the instrument. Logan and ACG provide exactly this by working in combination together.”