New Product Enhancements from Agilent

There are several new filter plates available from GE/Whatman. The 850-DS Sampling Station utilizes an optional filter module that is integrated into the top of the instrument. This design acts to minimize the dead volume and allow media replacement in conjunction with filtration from 0.2, 0.45, or 0.7-µm pore sizes. The exclusive 8-channel Whatman filter plates are manufactured by GE Healthcare and available from their worldwide distribution network. There are now nine variations of plates available in PES, nylon, glass fiber, PTFE, and PVDF membranes. Visit for more details.

400-DS Small Volume Apparatus 7 Product Enhancements. With the continued growth in combination products, and in response to frequent requests for use of up to 100% organic solvents, several safety enhancements to the 400-DS have been made to allow for safe usage of 100% of select solvents. This necessitated some hardware, firmware, and software changes. If you are using solvents in the 400-DS, we encourage you to contact your Agilent Service representative for this complimentary upgrade.
For more information about these devices or with questions about your specific application, please contact the Agilent Dissolution team at