Dissolution Discussion Group (DDG) - Online Meetings
The DDG website has been available since 1998 providing a bulletin board for the international dissolution community of scientists for free and interactive discussion on a multitude of topics. Agilent Technologies sponsors this worldwide group for individuals involved with the development and validation of dissolution methods, quality control testing, apparatus qualification, method transfers, and many of the techniques required for dissolution and drug release performance testing for established and novel dosage forms.
DDG introduced the Online Meetings in 2010 and we have provided 28 consecutive sessions over the last 7 years on the wide range of topics. Our sessions are led by our moderator, Bryan Crist from Agilent, and paneled by distinguished guests from across the global dissolution community. Our discussion topics have ranged from hot topics to Compendial changes, regulatory guidance, and an abundance of other topics below. Each of the sessions have been recorded and are available from the DDG site at www.dissolution.com for your review
The DDG site has become a home for practical answers to everyday question on dissolution and we hope you are able to join us for our 2018 quarterly meetings on February 8th, May 10th, August 9th, and November 8th.
Past topics include:
- USP <1058> Analytical Instrument Qualification and its Impact on Dissolution Apparatus Qualification
- Dissolution Testing of Chewable Tablets
- USP Proposed Chapter <1236> Solubility Measurements
- Concepts for Qualifying Non-Compendial Dissolution Equipment
- USP Performance Testing of Ointments, Creams and Gels
- EMEA Draft - Reflection Paper on Dissolution Specifications for Generic Oral Immediate Release Products
- USP <1092> and its Impact on Dissolution Automation
- Dissolution SOP’s; Do What You Say and Say What You Do
- FDA Draft Guidance; Dissolution Testing and Specifications for BCS Class 1 and 3 Drugs
- Breaking Bad...Dissolution Habits
- Crosslinking of Gelatin Capsules and Dissolution
- Dissolution Method Development Considerations: Part 6 - Intrinsic Dissolution
- Dissolution Method Development Considerations: Part 5 - Alcohol Induced Dose Dumping
- Dissolution Method Development Considerations: Part 4 - Time Point Estimation
- Dissolution Method Development Considerations: Part 3 - Challenges for Poorly Soluble Compounds
- Dissolution Method Development Considerations; Part 2 - Media Volume and Sink Conditions for App 1&2
- Dissolution Method Development Considerations; Part 1 - Filtration Requirements
- Operational Checks; Enhanced Mechanical Qualification Requirement - At Time of Use
- Deaeration of Dissolution Media; What’s All the Hot Air About?
- Thinking Small - Challenges with Small Volume Dissolution
- Suggestions for the ASTM E2503-07 Dissolution Apparatus Mechanical Qualification; 5-Year Review
- Use of Enzymes for Dissolution Testing of Gelatin Capsules
- The Role of Dissolution in Quality by Design (QbD)
- The Dissolution Method Transfer
- The Dissolution Laboratory Audit
- Do f1 and f2 Tell the Whole Story?
- Best Practices for Success with the USP Dissolution Performance Verification Test (PVT)
- Mechanical Calibration: ASTM vs USP; Impact of ICH on Dissolution; QBD and PAT
Dissolution Discussion Group is sponsored by Agilent Technologies, Inc.
About DDG:

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