Logan Instruments Announces New Dissolution/ Permeation System for Next Generation Dissolution Testing
Logan Instruments announces a new next-generation dissolution-permeation test system, a revolutionary advancement in dissolution testing. The fully automated PERMETRO system delivers dissolution and permeation results simultaneously.
Logan is now the first in the world to invent a top of the line permeation unit called PERMETRO. PERMETRO is geared toward the future of in-vitro combined dissolution and permeation testing. When a dissolution system is linked with the PERMETRO, pharmaceutical scientists are can now obtain the dissolution dissolving percentage report as well as the permeation rate within hours.
Luke Lee, Logan’s chief design engineer, indicated that the PERMETRO works seamlessly with any USP apparatus 1, 2 (8 [Fig. 1] or 12 position [Fig. 2]) or 3 (Fig. 3) systems to provide dissolution and permeation data at the same time. in June.
Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

The PERMETRO unit can recreate the flow of drug release from the stomach to the intestines using a man-made intestinal membrane. This unit also allows the quantifications of dynamic permeation of drugs through the intestinal wall via UV or HPLC systems.
Logan’s Dissolution/PERMETRO system is the most advanced in the pharmaceutical industry, opening many new opportunities for pharmaceutical development.
Logan will be showcasing the PERMETRO November 3-6, 2019 at AAPS PharmaSci 360, San Antonio, TX
Other events Logan will be exhibiting at this year:September 9-10, 2019: Rutgers CDR conference, Somerset, NJ.
September 18-19, 2019: PharmaEd Microneedle, Boston, MA.
October 7-8, 2019: PODD: Partnerships in Drug Delivery, Boston, MA
November 13-14, 2019: Canna-Pharma 2019, La Jolla, CA