Pharma Test announces a New Automatic Solution for the “Half-Change” Test of Delayed Release Dosage Forms
Hainburg, Germany- June 2019 - Pharma Test has developed the new PTWS 820-MA, the first dissolution testing instrument with media addition system for the automatic testing of delayed release dosage forms.

The PTWS 820-MA consists of the PTWS 820 8-position USP/EP dissolution testing instrument with a media addition system for a simultaneous filling of all 8 vessels.
A manual buffer change makes it practically impossible to maintain reproducibility of the "half-change" test and also requires inconvenient hours of waiting. The new PTWS 820-MA is the first dissolution testing instrument with a media addition system from Pharma Test which can ensure - together with the highly advanced, user-friendly and fully 21 CFR part 11 compliant WinDiss ARGUS dissolution software - a comfortable automated and unattended addition of media. It can automatically dose 250 mL of preheated concentrated buffer solutions quickly and simultaneously into all vessels. Additional requirements for data integrity are fulfilled.
Availability and Compatibility
The PTWS 820-MA consists of the PTWS 820 8-position USP/EP dissolution testing instrument with a media addition system. The new system is available for test trials and sale through the Pharma Test distribution network. An upgrade for existing PTWS 820 is easily possible. For more information contact or visit