40 Years of Pharma Test
Pharma Test has turned 40 in 2019! The company was founded by Franz J. Fähler (pictured below) in 1979 in Hainburg, a district of Offenbach in the center of Germany. Through his previous sales activities in the drug quality control testing industry he recognized the potential in this growing market. The company is now a worldwide leader in high-quality testing equipment used in pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetics industries.

Not in a garage but in the attic of a townhouse, Pharma Test was built out of nowhere and at the beginning with a single man. The initial driving force behind this committed endeavor was the quest to create a new hallmark for testing qualityrelevant properties during and after the manufacture of pharmaceutical products.
Milestones and Growth
As its first product, Pharma Test launched a dissolution testing instrument for the analytical control of tablets. The device was one of the first models with an automated lift drive to raise and lower the head of the machine. The product range was gradually expanded to include galenic instruments for the physical testing of tablets and other solid dosage forms, powders, and granules.
In 1997, Pharma Test acquired the company Pharmag GmbH in Klipphausen near Dresden. This company already existed in GDR times and manufactured testing equipment for the pharmaceutical industry there. After the German reunification, Pharmag became an important supplier of parts and assembly services for the equipment manufactured by Pharma Test. In addition to the manufacturing and the supply of equipment and parts, Pharmag today sells its own product line, a pilot plant system for the formulation and small batch production of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.
In 2016, J & M Analytik AG, a manufacturer and developer of UV/VIS/NIR as well as Rahman spectrometers and systems based on optical fibers and diode array detectors, was acquired by the Pharma Test Group.
Strong Distribution Network
All of Pharma Test’s equipment and automated systems are offered to customers through a strong network of subsidiaries and distributors with over 100 partnering companies around the world. Each has qualified and trained staff to offer service and maintenance locally.
Generation Change
Today Franz J. Fähler remains in the company as Chairman of the Board (COB). His son Björn Fähler has been a member of the Executive Board since 2009 and is now successfully leading as CEO of the company through its second generation. His goal is to further develop the company group and to futureproof it.
Continuous Further Development of the Product Range
Today’s product portfolio ranges from simple, manual testers for the physical testing of tablets, capsules, suppositories, bulk solids, and other products to fully automated analytical testing systems for determining drug content using UV/VIS and NIR spectroscopy. Pharma Test always strives to offer new solutions. For example, a new apparatus for testing nanodosage forms is being developed in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME and the Goethe University Frankfurt/Main. Pharma Test continues to evolve its products and product range to meet ever-changing customer needs.

Pharma Test Apparatebau AGSiemensstr. 5, 63512 Hainburg, Germany
T: +49 6182 9532-600