New ERWEKA Dissolution Online System Integrated with Thermo Scientific Evolution 350 Spectrophotometer
Langen, April 1st, 2020 - ERWEKA GmbH is proud to announce a new Dissolution Online UV-Vis System that seamlessly integrates with the Thermo Scientific Evolution 350 spectrophotometer.

ERWEKA fully integrated the Thermo Scientific Evolution 350 into its Disso.NET dissolution software, enabling halfautomated (with the Dissolution Online System) and even fully automated (with RoboDis II) dissolution testing with integrated UV-Vis analysis.
The Evolution 350, with its clear focus on the pharmaceutical market and its full USP/EP conformity, is the perfect companion to our own, 100 percent USP/EP conform Dissolution Systems and RoboDis II. The selectable spectral bandwidth and the high speed enable 5-minute cycles in the for dissolution typical 200 nm to 350 nm range, which is of increasing importance with the fully automated RoboDis II to test 40 batches as quickly as possible. Thanks to its longlasting xenon flash lamp (> 3 years), the photometer needs low maintenance.
The full integration of the photometer into the Disso.NET enables customers to manage the full UV-Vis dissolution test in one single software. For method creation, testing and analysis and report generation - completely with spectra, computation of the dissolution curve and evaluation/re-evaluation of raw data.
We are happy to show you this half-automated system configuration - for example in an online demo. Please arrange an appointment with our team at

Furthermore, ERWEKA today launches the MediPrep 1622 for media preparation of up to 16 liters in less than 25 minutes - precisely tempered, mixed, degassed and gravimetrically controlled.
The media preparation of the MediPrep family strictly follows the USP/EP guidelines. The touch display makes documentation according to GLP/GMP as easy as never before. The full media preparation process done by MediPrep is up to 3x faster than the manual approach, thus enabling more time for other tasks in the dissolution lab.
Our new Dissolution Online System and the RoboDis II with the Thermo Scientific Evolution 350, as well as the MediPrep 1622, are available now.
More information and brochures can be found on