Pion Highlights ‘Game Changing’ Method to Measure Dissolution in Real Time
Pion, Inc. (“Pion”), a leading provider of analytical instrumentation for formulation development and quality control in the life sciences industry, has developed a fiber optic method to accurately perform in vitro dissolution testing to gain rich insights into particle molecule behavior, which is not usually seen until in vivo. By gaining pharmacokinetic insights before the clinical trial stage, formulation scientists can gain efficiencies and accelerate the development of biotherapeutics.
Pion is giving a webinar on ‘Best practices in fiber optic dissolution testing’ on Tuesday, May 3rd at 11 am ET to demonstrate the fiber optic method with proof of its efficacy.
Commenting on the forthcoming webinar, President & CEO of Pion, Brian Dutko said, “This webinar will provide best practices for using our Rainbow R6, an in-situ fiber optic concentration monitoring system for performing powerful measurements of dissolution in real time. I’d urge anybody interested in attending to sign up now to secure a space.”
Rainbow R6 is utilized for dissolution testing, flux assays, solubility studies, and other applications requiring high accuracy and repeatability in concentration measurement. Launched in June 2020, Rainbow R6 is the core of Pion’s integrated microDISS and miniDISS dissolution monitoring systems used for early phase compound screening, dissolution studies with biorelevant volumes, and FLUX systems, which improve the assessment of absorption potential.
with biorelevant volumes, and FLUX systems, which improve the assessment of absorption potential. The webinar will be hosted by dissolution expert and founder of Selling Science, Inc., Dave Kwajewski. Dave has been involved on the commercial side of life science companies for nearly 20 years, with the majority of that time spent in dissolution-related applications. Dave is currently serving as a technical consultant to Pion, helping to support their fiber optic product portfolio.
To register for the webinar: https://info.pion-inc.com/fiber-optic-dissolution-testing-webinar?&utm_medium=referral
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